Tony Hyundai Waipio

Jan 13, 2023

A worn-out battery could leave you stranded. As your Hyundai dealer, we don’t want you to be placed in this situation. If you’re experiencing a battery problem, we can fix it for you. These are a few signs you may need a new car battery.

Time for a New Car Battery? Visit Your Hyundai Dealer

Slow Cranking

When you start your car, an electrical current is sent from the battery to the solenoid in the starter motor. This current charges the motor, which initiates the crank, and your engine should turn over. If you’re experiencing slow cranking, you could have a worn-out battery. Cranking the engine requires a powerful charge, and a damaged battery may not be able to supply enough power all at once.
On the flip side, your battery could be in good condition. Loose connections, damaged wiring, or even dirt could be preventing the crank from occurring. Electricity requires a clear, unobstructed path. Dirt or a loose connection can reduce the flow of electricity. Damaged wiring can also cause a loss of electricity in transmission. Our technicians will examine your battery and connections to find the problem.

Old Battery

A battery will wear out, and you’ll replace them many times over the life of your car. This failure isn’t due to battery damage; it’s caused by the chemical processes inside the battery. A battery uses chemicals, electrolytes, and metal plates to store electricity as chemical energy. This energy is then supplied by the battery when it’s needed.
The chemical reactions inside the battery gradually cause the chemicals to break down. Sulfuric acid, for example, releases hydrogen gas. This breakdown weakens the battery’s ability to store electricity and supply it. We recommend that you bring your car for a battery test after three years and once a year after that. This allows us to monitor your battery and enables you to plan for replacement.

Corroded Battery

As we saw above, the chemicals inside your battery gradually break down. Hydrogen gas from sulfuric acid will escape from your battery. The hydrogen then mixes with sulfur molecules produced by the fuel in your engine. This combination forms a toxic chemical called hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is one of the main causes of corrosion in your battery.
Hydrogen sulfide is drawn to the positive and negative terminals on your battery, where it crystallizes. The acidic salt it forms gradually eats into the battery terminals which results in additional battery damage. You can clean corrosion, but it will always return. We would replace your battery to fix this problem.
There are many other signs your battery could be failing. Come and see us today at Tony Hyundai Waipio, and we’ll check your battery for you.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

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